الخميس، 9 يونيو 2016

10 Reasons People Get Divorced

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪10 Reasons People Get Divorced‬‏

Although many people assume that infidelity is the leading cause of divorce, the reality is that cheating is usually just a symptom that the marriage was failing long before attentions strayed.
There are many underlying reasons why marriages fail. Some are more obvious than others.
Financial Incompatibility - While a lack of money generally creates a stressful situation for married couples, what really drives them apart is when one spouse is a spendthrift and the other is a saver. Opposites may attract, but not when it comes to managing the marital finances. While things may sail along for a while, often the difference in approaches to managing money will eventually cause an irreparable rift.
Saying "I Do" For The Wrong Reasons - One of the surprising secrets in many marriages is that one partner had misgivings about the union long before he or she walked down the aisle. Whether it is family pressure, an unexpected pregnancy or some other reason, far too many people say "I do" out loud while their heads and hearts say 'I don't!" If you have reservations before you get married, they are not likely to go away after you tie the knot.
Fighting Unfairly - Even though some people claim they never argue with their significant other, it is safe to say that at some point every couple will have a disagreement. So why do some couples seem to bounce back from fights while others just end up with festering emotions? The secret is how they fight. When couples can set ground rules for fights and avoid personal attacks, they can get over the disputes and get back to marital harmony. If they can't, then ongoing resentment and hurt will only build to a breaking point.
You've Lost That Loving Feeling - No, we are not just talking about sex, although that is part of a healthy marriage, of course. Intimacy is about more than that. It is the daily affection that each spouse demonstrates toward the other. Holding hands, terms of endearment, hugs and hello/good-bye kisses are all part of the intimacy package. Without these gestures, spouses often feel like strangers in their own home.
Lack of Intimacy - When intimacy goes out the window, so too does satisfaction with the marriage. This time we are talking about sex as well as non-sexual intimacy. Human beings are hard-wired to require sexual contact. While each person is different in terms of wants and needs, when a couple starts forgoing intimate contact, eventually they drift apart feeling unsatisfied and alone.
Being A Clone Of Your Spouse - It is great if you meet your soul mate and share many interests. However, turning into a clone of your spouse usually leads to dissatisfaction down the road. This dissatisfaction often leads to resentment and eventually a split. Maintaining your own separate interests and activities will keep your mind and heart healthy and satisfied. It will also keep a bit of intrigue and interest going between two people.
Different Interests - Of course, not sharing any interests with your spouse is also a recipe for potential disaster. While you don't need to be identical, having some interests in common allows you to share as a couple. Without this, many couples simply grow apart over time.
People Don't (Usually) Change - Couples often identify small things that annoy them with their partner long before they walk down the aisle. She likes action-packed vacations while he'd rather lounge by the pool reading a book. He wants to save for a house in the suburbs while she prefers renting in the city. He wants kids, she doesn't. Some differences are easy to overcome, while others are not. If there is a deal-breaking difference that is ignored before the wedding, chances are it will only fester and lead to a split down the road.
Looking To Your Spouse For Happiness - While it is nice if your spouse does things to please you, at the end of the day only you are responsible for your own happiness. Expecting your significant other to make you truly happy is usually a futile endeavor that leads to nagging and complaining which leads to a split.
Losing Your Identity - Many married couples make the mistake of falling into role titles and they lose themselves along the way. This is especially true when they have children. Becoming mom or dad often causes couples to focus all their energy on the kids, and lose the intimate connection between husband and wife. Eventually the children grow up and fly the nest and all that is left is two strangers living in the same house.

Through a Child's Eyes

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪Through a Child's Eyes‬‏

Coming from a young adult, divorce is not the best experience anyone can go through. For those who have gone through or are now experiencing divorce as a kid or a young adult, you are not alone in this. Divorce is a harsh word to some who have experienced it with their parents or family members, or who are going through it themselves. Dealing with divorce amongst siblings fighting, picking sides of parent(s) or families can get very tiring. Some think marriage can be happiness and last a lifetime. You have your ups and downs, and they keep you going with that one person and your family. Sadly, divorce has become common in the United States. According to the CDC, in 2011 the number of marriages where are 2,118,000, the rate of marriage was 6.8 per 1,000 total population, and the divorce rate was 3.6 per 1,000 total population. In the map of U.S. Divorce Rates of 2011, the rate are higher in the following cities; Panama, FL, Sierra Vista, AZ, and Charleston, WV, Medford, OR, Reno, NV. Even though social scientists have tried to debunk those myths, somehow the conventional wisdom has held.
In Black's Law Dictionary defines divorce as (a legal separation of a man and wife, effected, for cause, by the judgement of a court, and other totally dissolving the marriage relation and suspending its effects so far as concerns the cohabitation of the parties.) When children are involved, things can become complicated, when determining who acquires the children on weekends, holidays, summer, and during school years. Even for couples for whom it appears divorce is imminent, that doesn't negate the need to work together on the kids' behalf. Children (and adult children) have the attitude that their parents should be able to work through and solve any issue. Parents, who have given the children life, are perceived by the children as very competent people with supernatural abilities to meet the needs of the children. The financial part of the divorce is where the court determines who is awarded alimony, or child support.
During a divorce, changes to relationships could cause division among family and friends. For divorce, there is advantages and disadvantages, but know that you are not the only one experiencing. Connecting with the children and spouses, keeping the line of communication open as the children are understanding the divorce. From this article, I want to encourage you that it's not easy but it does get better, and to apply the information by seeking a counselor for you and your loved ones.

3 Ways To Deal With Criticism in Marriage

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪3 Ways To Deal With Criticism in Marriage‬‏

One cold, gloomy, rainy morning Susan set out for a walk on an unknown trail. She didn't know where she was going and was determined to spend time with God.
Susan was sick and tired of herself. So sick of thinking about what was wrong in her marriage. Sick and tired of having the same thoughts running through her head over and over and over again!
"I don't know if I can do this for another 30 years"
"He's never... "
"I'm so lonely"
"He's such a jerk!"
"I can't believe I married him. What was I thinking?"

"We don't have anything in common"
Susan mulled these thoughts over and accepted them as if they were true. On one hand they felt real, but on another she knew they were not true. Susan didn't know what to do, that's why she reached out for help.
Susan was struggling in her marriage. She was visibly upset, crying and in pain as she sat across from me in my office. She was "at the end of her rope", didn't know what to do and was ready to give up.
These opinions, beliefs and emotions feel dreadfully real for many couples. They lose hope and feel stuck or trapped.
Eventually, Susan realized her thoughts and feelings revealed more about the condition of her heart, verses what's wrong with Tom or their marriage.
Susan is going through a transition. Her son is graduating from high school and she and Tom would soon be "empty nesters". She's concerned and apprehensive about this next phase of her life.
He loves me, he loves me not?
Susan was excited on one hand and terrified on another. She was looking forward to more doing more things with Tom and exploring new interests.
So many marriages in the similar phase of life were calling it quits. They were throwing in the towel. Adios. Done: with an "I'm out of here" attitude!
Susan knew she didn't want a divorce but longed for more in her marriage. When she tried to talk with Tom, she felt he didn't understand her concerns.
She was uncertain about this next season in life to say the least. She wasn't even sure what she was thinking or feeling. It just came out as criticism and projection.
Fear or uncertainty can cause impulsive reactions like criticism and projection. Susan Focused on what was wrong with her husband and their relationship instead of pressing into her own discomfort and insecurity. She quickly gave up and assumed Tom didn't car and withdrew.
After further discussion we identified 3 ways to deal with negative or critical thoughts.
1. Your spouse in not your enemy. * He or she is a gift from God and you are one. There is an enemy out there and it's a spiritual one.
Ephesians 6:12 "Our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Susan truly believes this for her marriage. She was encouraged to have a deeper, more vulnerable conversation with Tom. Susan longs to share her fears and concerns about this next chapter in their marriage. And, she believes they can tackle it together.
* Sometimes, circumstances such as addiction, mental health issues and abuse seriously impact marriage. It can be unsafe. Professional consultation is recommend in these circumstances. Please ask for help.
2. Turn a complaint into a request. Complaining doesn't get anyone anywhere! In Susan's case, she needed to talk with someone to get clear about what she was experiencing.
Once Susan was clear about what she was feeling she could ask for what she needed: time to honestly talk with Tom. She asked Tom for an hour of his time to share her fears and dreams about their imminent empty-nest years.
Tom shared that he wasn't thinking about the whole empty nest thing. He could see the importance of being intentional in the upcoming season of their life.
Tom even suggested they get a book to read about this new phase of their life and Susan was so excited! The book is The Second Half of Marriage, Facing The Eight Challenges of The Empty-Nest Years.
3. You're not alone! Susan felt like she was the only one struggling with this issue. Isolation breeds shame and fear.
As Christians were are never alone. God is always available. He hears our cries and knows what we need. We need to remember to reach out to Him.
Another remedy for isolation is support and understanding. We can get this from family, friends and professional help.
Hebrews 12:1
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses (those that have gone ahead of us, those that have done this before), let us throw off everything that hinders (negative attitude) and the sin (criticism and projection) that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. (We need the help and support to keep going in our marriage and life.)
May you and your spouse be blessed in your commitment to one another.

How Your Health Affects Your Sex Life

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪How Your Health Affects Your Sex Life‬‏
Guys like to spend hours in the gym sculpting their physiques. While a healthy waistline is important for improved sexual performance, a lot of men don't realize that their diet can directly affect their sex lives. Unhealthy lifestyle habits, or underlying health conditions caused by poor dietary choices, can impair sexual performance. There are easy lifestyle changes you can make to help maintain a healthy sex life.
The way you think about food and sex are essentially the same. You gain pleasure from both sex and eating. This may be truer for more women than men. Additionally, there are foods that can enhance or impair sexual performance. Some foods have the ability to reduce testosterone, decrease sex drive, or alter sperm production. The good news is that there are fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and spices that can increase your libido and testosterone levels.
While there are multiple herbal supplements that can facilitate libido, sex drive, or testosterone levels, they do not cure underlying factors. Establishing a healthy lifestyle and body is crucial to maintaining a healthy sex life.
Lose It So You Can Use It:
Smoking: Smoking increases your risk of developing a plethora of health problems; heart disease, lung cancer, erectile dysfunction, or lowered sperm count being primary conditions. It's ideal to quit smoking in order to decrease your risk of developing sexual or reproductive conditions. Not to mention, smoking is can be unattractive and a major turn-off to your partner.
Alcohol: Although alcohol is considered to be a social lubricant, it can inhibit sexual performance. It may be more difficult to get and keep an erection, and orgasms can be delayed. Steer clear of those happy hours to have an improved sex drive.
Junk Foods & Processed Foods: Both junk foods and processed foods can be detrimental to your health. These foods are often loaded with trans fats, high in cholesterol, have too much salt, or have hydrogenated fats and oils. If your diet includes junk foods or processed foods, you are at risk of having high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, or becoming obese. A lot of these foods can decrease your libido or cause abnormal sperm production. They also can affect your circulatory system and reduce blood flow, which can impair performance down there.
Overeating: Weight gain is the number one sex drive killer for men. If your waistline exceeds 40" you are more likely to develop erectile dysfunction. A lot of people have portion distortion because of gigantic portion sizes in America. Too much food makes it hard to set the mood. To prevent overeating, eat out of small bowls and prepare healthy snacks to munch on between meals.
We've told you what you need to cut out, now here are a few things you can do to help you get on a healthier path.
Fruits and Veggies are Your Friends: Fruits and vegetables provide the body with a lot of nutrients that have a positive effect on the body. Maintaining a plant-based diet can help you cleanse the body of built-up toxins, so that your systems and organs can function at optimum levels. Certain fruits and veggies provide the body with phytonutrients, which it can convert into arginine, an amino acid that helps relax blood vessels like an erectile dysfunction medication might. Some of the best fruits and veggies to eat for a healthier sex life include:
· Blackberries
· Broccoli
· Cloves
· Figs
· Watermelon
· Ginseng
· Saffron
· Ginger
· Lettuce
Exercise: Engaging in physical activity can promote healthy blood flow and help you shed excess weight. Sometimes there may be self-esteem issues that go along with being overweight. Low self-esteem, depression, or anxiety can all have negative effects on your sex life. Exercising promotes enzyme production and helps relieve stress, both of which are positive steps towards a healthier lifestyle. Yoga can be an excellent exercise that promotes mind and body awareness.
Reduce Stress: Stress is not conducive to your overall health, and can negatively affect your sex life. Stress can increase your heart rate, which can lead to high blood pressure, ultimately damaging sexual performance. Psychological stress, as well as physical stress, can make it difficult to achieve optimum performance in the bedroom. Try acupuncture because it has been known to improve circulation and relieve tension in the body. You can also try meditative breathing exercises, practice Tai Chi, or talk to your partner about sex. The latter can often ease stress and create a better sex life.
There isn't a one trick fix for a better sex life, but you can take steps to reclaim a healthier lifestyle. You'll be amazed at what living healthy can do for you.

Want Better Sex? Try a Diet

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪Sexuality Article‬‏

The world is filled with randy men in search of better sex, and many come up with creative ways to achieve this goal. But for a large number of them, a simple change in the diet may be the key to seeing an improvement in between-the-sheets action. Men already know that penis health can be impacted by overall body health; now a study indicates that that spare tire or those love handles may be getting in the way of that better sex so many desire.
What is this study?
Entitled "Effect of Calorie Restriction on Mood, Quality of Life, Sleep, and Sexual Function in Healthy Nonobese Adults: The CALERIE 2 Randomized Clinical Trial," the new study was recently published in JAMA Internal Medicine (published by the American Medical Association). This study looked at 218 people (both men and women) with an average age of 37.9 years. All of the subjects had a Body Mass Index (BMI) between 22 and 28. (A "normal" BMI is usually considered to be 18.5 to 24.9; 25 to 29.9 is considered overweight but not yet obese.)
The scientists divided the subjects into two groups. One group was instructed to eat or drink whatever they wanted. The second group was put on a diet that reduced their calorie intake by 25% for two years.
Not surprisingly, the group on the diet ended up losing a considerable amount of weight over two years - about 12% on average. Also not surprisingly, the "diet" group reported that they had an improvement in their health. They were sleeping better, had a better mood, felt livelier and rated their overall general health as having taken a positive step.
They also reported that they were having better sex. Their sexual drive and their sexual relationships improved in a statistically significant manner.
Why better sex?
It's not surprising that the group that lost weight experienced a positive impact on their sex lives. In the first place, they were feeling better rested and proper sleep has long been associated with renewed vigor in the bedroom.
The participants also reported that their mood has improved. This also has a direct impact on one's sex life. In general, most people who are feeling sad, anxious, tense, depressed or other "negative" moods may be less inclined to engage in sex or may find it less fulfilling than those who are cheerful, calm or relaxed. In addition, people often find themselves "sexier" when they are in shape, which can have the psychological effect of encouraging them to seek out sex more frequently or feel more confident in their sexual escapades.
And for men, shedding those pounds around the penis can often uncover" a portion of the organ that had been hidden under the flab - giving the illusion that the penis has gotten bigger. And it's no secret how a bigger penis tends to make a man feel about his sexual prowess.
The lesson? Guys who want better sex may want to take a look at their diet and see if alterations can make them healthier and livelier.
Of course, guys who diet in order to enjoy better sex also want to make sure that their basic equipment is in proper order to enjoy the task. Regular application of a top flight penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can be a big help here. That penis can be shown off to even better effect if it benefits from a crème with Shea butter and vitamin E, two natural hydrators that can soothe and rejuvenate the skin. This combination of moisturizers is especially good for the penis that tends to be dry or chafed. It's even better if the crème also includes vitamin D, the "miracle" vitamin that enables cell functionality and helps fight disease. Daily use of such a crème helps a guy present a package that looks healthy and appealing.

Going to Shop For Your Wedding Dress? Know These Things

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪Going to Shop For Your Wedding Dress? Know These Things‬‏

When you've said "yes" to the big question, your psyche will begin considering how you will prepare yourself for the special day. Obviously, you've presumably been thinking about this since you were a child thus the style and area of your big day will be clear in your psyche. When you have concurred this with your groom to be, mother, and friends, you'll have an immense measure of things to start arranging.
Organizing a wedding is no small undertaking, yet for the most part, you will have extraordinary backing from family and companions; however the one choice that it liable to be yours alone will be to pick a wedding dress. Picking a dress design can be very troublesome, and the several kinds of colours accessible can complicate the decisions in addition to the greater part of the integral marriage adornments. Precisely for this reason, getting a second sentiment from family and companions is a wise choice.
The season in which you are getting married will be one of the main components while picking attire. You will require a lighter fabric in case the event is in the late spring. Similarly, during the winter you will have to wear an attire made of heavier fabric which will keep you warm.
Let's be honest, when it comes to dressing up, most men just can't comprehend the importance of picking the right one. Honestly, you're just going to wear that outfit once in your life, and your husband to be may at present feel the slant to get married regardless of what you wear, yet you must understand that a vital factor in making your special day memorable is your attire.
White is not the only colour
White attires aren't the only option when it comes to bridal wear! More and more brides are picking shaded and designed outfits to demonstrate their uniqueness. Choosing a hued outfit can add an additional dimension to your look, and each one has different portrayals and implications that you might need to consider when settling on your choice.
Finding the right length is key
Yes, these outfits can be either short or long depending upon the sort of function you're having and the venue. Predominantly, there are certain predetermined rules which should help you choose the right length.
Floor-length gowns are perfect for formal event while if it's a casual events, you can choose a hemline which you think is best suited to you.
Short, or if nothing else shorter attires are exhorted for easygoing and outdoor events for obvious reasons. You would prefer not to get mud, twigs, leaves or sand on your floor-length originator wedding dress, correct?

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9436000

Step by Step Guide to Plan Your Wedding

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪Wedding‬‏

While planning your wedding, you must have a clear cut idea about how much you can afford to spend. Based on the budget you should finalize the venue and caterers. Some couples fund their own wedding while in some cases parents will share the budget. There are also some parents who fund the entire event. But whatever the case you must fix a budget before finalizing other things.
Find your perfect wedding venue
The second important thing is to plan and finalize your wedding venue. People book venues almost one year in advance. The wedding date depends a lot on the availability of the venue. So you must finalize the venue without any delay. After booking the reception venue, you must decide where you will be spending your first night as a couple. If your wedding reception is not happening in a place with hotel facilities you will have to book a hotel room in advance.
Buy wedding insurance
Wedding is an expensive affair. There are a lot of expenses, from wedding rings, wedding dress, to catering and other wedding essentials; they will cost you a lot. It is better to prepare yourself for the additional costs as well. Purchasing wedding insurance will help you to relax and enjoy your wedding as well as honeymoon without fussing over the expenses.
Select your wedding rings
After fixing the date, venue and purchasing a wedding insurance, you can start the best part of the wedding - shopping for accessories. Wedding ring is not just an expensive piece of jewellery, it is a symbol of bond or love you both share for each other. So choose your wedding ring carefully.
Plan your wedding guest list
This is going to be a tough task. You must have calculated the numbers many times. Make it a point to write down the guest list and go through it several times. You don't want to miss anyone. The number of guests depends on your budget and also whether you want an intimate/small wedding or a grand wedding with more than 500 guests. Write down the names. Start with your near and dear ones like your close friends and relatives. Then move on to your colleagues, neighbours and acquaintances. After including everyone, you can start removing people off the list. You can even divide the guest list into daytime and evening guests.
Choosing the dress
Buying a wedding dress is the most exciting part of the wedding. There are innumerable choices when it comes to bridal gowns. You will have to choose accessories as well. After choosing your wedding gown you will have to focus your attention on grooms wear, and dresses for bridesmaids and flower girls, to coordinate the wedding party.
Book a wedding photographer
A wedding presents a lot of wonderful moments and to preserve those memories forever you need a good photographer. So book a wedding photographer/videographer. You will also have to book caterers and stage decorators at this stage.
Sending out invites
Start sending wedding invites at least one month in advance so that people can make time to attend your wedding. If you have guests from overseas you will have to send them invites earlier and wait for their replies.
Check out this step by step guide for Planning a beautiful wedding and visit Mark1Decors, best wedding decors to make the wedding so special & memorable.

Forgiveness Within a Broken World

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪Forgiveness Within a Broken World‬‏
FROM where we've come from, we've spoken a lot about forgiveness being an act of obedience over justice, that it's not about justice at all, and yet that it's all about justice. Those three previous articles have presumed that forgiveness is an-easy-to-understand transaction. To a point, it needs to be. Forgiveness needs to be about obeying God, and not haggling about justice.
But that's not the whole story as far as God's concerned.
God knows, as our intuitiveness tells us, that there's something more primary to our obedience - something that must be in place for our obedience to work.
The LORD looks to the heart.
The Bible tells us that God cannot ignore the person who has acknowledged their truth; who has dug down deeply into what they did wrong, and who've owned that historical fact. God cannot ignore someone who's taken Him seriously, who's not simply settled for an outward 'sacrifice' for having sinned, but has made an inner sacrament of their contrition.
As far as forgiveness is concerned, it helps enormously if we've dug down deeply into what we could have done better or differently. But deeper than that even, we must reflect again on our own brokenness. If someone has transgressed us, the closest we can come to understanding them is to understand ourselves.
God does a miracle of healing in us, by His Spirit and by His grace, when we take matters deeper that mere outward contrition.
The value of sin is only in its admission. Only when we admit our sin does God have the permission He needs to dig down deeply into us, to cleanse, heal and restore us.
If our contrition isn't met with their contrition, when we're looking for it, true forgiveness and understanding is unlikely. But if our contrition makes theirs superfluous, given that God cannot ignore us when we're contrite, He pours out His mercy over us. Trust this. It works.
Our contrition should not depend on theirs. Our contrition is enough, and, in taking God seriously, He takes us seriously. Forgiveness is between us and God.
Would we rather do our heart work and forget about what 'they need to do', and be blessed, or fight tooth and nail for what 'they should do', and end frustrated?
Forgiveness is hard because we live in a broken world. Forgiveness is made easier when we admit our brokenness and live for God.
God gives us a heart of mercy when we understand His grace, and forgiveness requires a merciful heart of understanding and grace.
When we understand that God understands us, and we understand His forgiveness, we understand the need to forgive.